115 S Third Street
Marquette, MI 49855
www.facebook.com/p/Marquette-Wallpaper-Paint-100063709322405/ armasinc@sbcglobal.net
$25 Certificate
$25 Certificate on Store Merchandise
Marquette Wallpaper & Paint, the community's oldest independent paint store, has all the paint, stain, finishes and supplies necessary for your next indoor or outdoor project.
Located 115 South Third Street in Marquette; Call (906) 228-8376.
Use this certificate toward purchasing paint, stain, varnish, painting supplies - the Hamari Brothers will cut keys and also take your passport photo! Use up to 2 at a time
Limitations: May use 2 at a time
Retail Price: $25.00
Selling Price: $17.00