2119 Presque Isle Avenue
Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 226-3721
www.svdpup.org/ svdp@svdpup.org
$5 Certificate - Marquette
This $5 certificate will only add to the savings that you get at St. Vincent De Paul on Presque Isle Avenue in Marquette. At St. Vincent De Paul they have all the seasons covered as far as apparel goes. They have everything from summer swimwear to winter boots. They also have great bargains on just getting your home started items. Dishes, pots and pans and so on and so forth. You can always find a good variety of stuff at St. Vincent's and at great a savings. LIMIT TWO per person per visit.
Limitations: LIMIT TWO per customer per visit. Presque Isle in MQT ONLY!
Retail Price: $5.00
Selling Price: $3.00